Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mobile cloudable applications

I have a dilema:
- how should I connect the mobile apps to the cloud? -> webservices .... YES, YES, YES ... pretty old style. I want something smarter.

Having a mobile application which just simply consume content provided by a webservice, does not make the application cloudable :). Why? Using webservice from internet and saying that we are using cloud services is just another buzz for the clasic client-server paradigma.

I want something different.
I want to implement a java class(yeah :) do you know any other portable language running on cloud and mobile?) and I want to have it running either on mobile or on the cloud.
I want to be transparent for me as a developer where the class is running.
I want to have my device deciding when the class has to run on mobile and when it has to run on the cloud.
I want to have an elastic mobile app able to run also on the cloud.

Any ideas about how can I do it?

I have some ideas, but first I want to hear if my challenges are interesting or I am just tired and I try to reinvent the mobile-cloud.

Any constructive comment is highly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ocna-Mures are aplicatie mobile pe Android

Aplicatia mobila Ocna-Mures poate fi descarcata de pe android market. Pentru instalare pe telefon doar accesati url-ul de pe Android Market.

Cum sunt un Ocna-Muresean get-beget, m-am gandit sa fac ceva pentru orasul meu pe cale de disparitie ;).

Orasul se scufunda la propriu, pe zi ce trece. Pentru asta am lansat o mica aplicatie care:
  • Prezinta imagini frumoase din Ocna-Muresul de alta data
  • Prezinta imagini din zile noastre
  • Prezinta ultimele video-uri despre calamitatea din Ocna-Mures
  • Prezinta ultimele stiri despre viata din Ocna-Mures
De asemenea, cei care vor si pot sa ii ajute pe ocna-mureseni sa isi reconstruiasca orasul, pot dona sume de bani prin intermediul aplicatiei.

Orice feedback legat de aplicatie e binevenit.

O mica galerie cu screen-uri din aplicatie: